How to Use a Phone with a Broken Screen and Non-Working Touchscreen?
If your phone's touch does not work, but the screen is visible, or both the screen is broken and the touch is not working, you can use its data or your phone by following these steps:
Let me tell you beforehand, it is not possible to hold the phone with the screen shattered and fix it with software. This topic is mostly opened to recover or have a backup of important information on the phone.
1- First, get a USB HUB (USB Replicator) with At least 2 Inputs. Pay attention whether your phone is micro usb or TYPE-C, get the one that suits it.
2- Plug the HDMI Part of the HDMI Cable to the TV, the USB-A Input to the USB replicator, and the TYPE-C (or micro USB) part of the USB replicator to your phone.)
3- Plug the normal computer mouse into the USB duplicator that your phone is connected to. Thus, the mouse cursor will immediately appear on the screen and work.